
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies’ Speakers Series lectures are typically held on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. bimonthly during the Fall and Spring semesters. Featured lecturers are invited to present original research, sections of dissertations, and other projects of interest to those with an interest in Southeast Asia. Check the CSEAS website homepage or the CSEAS newsletter for upcoming talks throughout the semester.
Propose a Talk
If you have an idea for a Southeast Asia talk, let us know! Inquiries can be sent to our Public Relations Coordinator at
Talk Archives
Talk Recordings: CSEAS Podcast
ScholarSpace, UH’s Institutional Repository, hosts the CSEAS Podcast. This resource can be freely accessed by the public. ScholarSpace offers persistent links to the podcasts for use in academic citations. It also has an RSS feed for podcatchers and RSS readers. All files are in the .mp3 format, playable on the Mac, Linux, and Windows operating systems.
Post Archives
Past talk posts with abstracts and speaker bios are accessible here.
Upcoming/Most Recent Talks
- LuceSEA Fall 2024 Webinar Series
- Launch of the Martial Law Digital Library
- Working with Climate Change and Sustainability in Asia Pacific