Bookshelf Spotlight: Performing Arts and the Royal Courts of Southeast Asia, Vol. 1
Join University of Hawai’i at Mānoa’s Center for Southeast Asian Studies in congratulating our UH-CSEAS contributors to this important publication!
Featuring: Barbara Andaya, Leonard Andaya, David Harnish, Mohd. Anis Nor, and Mayco Santaella (editor).
Series: Brill’s Southeast Asian Library, Volume: 11
Volume Editor: Mayco A. Santaella

This publication brings together current scholarship that focuses on the significance of performing arts heritage of royal courts in Southeast Asia. Royal courts have long been sites for the creation, exchange, maintenance, and development of myriad forms of performing arts and other distinctive cultural expressions. The first volume, Pusaka as Documented Heritage, consists of historical case studies, contexts and developments of royal court traditions, particularly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.