Congratulations, Dr. Ashok Das!

About Dr. Das
At the department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) at UH Manoa, Dr. Das teaches courses on planning theory and history, planning in Asia, research design, and urbanization and globalization. His areas of interest include, but are not limited to Community Participation and Empowerment, Slum Upgrading, Decentralization and Local Governance, Role of Civil Society in Equitable Development and Inclusive Urbanization, Integrated Microfinance, Disaster Risk Reduction, Socioeconomic Impacts of the Platform Economy, Reforming Planning Practice through Planning Education, Southeast Asia, South Asia.
Prior to coming to DURP, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, San Francisco State University. Broadly, Ashok’s research explores institutional challenges to and innovations in ameliorating urban poverty through the provision of services in developing countries, especially in Southeast and South Asia. Since the mid-2000s he has continued field research in Indonesia. Community participation and empowerment, slum upgrading, decentralization and local governance, and the role of civil society in fostering equitable development and inclusive urbanization are his key interests. His recent work has explored community-managed integrated microfinance for urban poverty alleviation, disaster risk reduction, pro-poor shelter policies, planning education, and the platform economy’s impacts on urban transportation-related social mobility and economic resilience. He has also researched inclusionary housing’s impacts in the United States.
CONGRATULATIONS on your promotion!
Read more about Dr. Das on the Faculty page [new window]
You can also view Dr. Das’s Publications on Research Gate and Google Scholar