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IPAC Report 30: The Failed Solo Suicide Bombing and Bahrun Naim’s Network

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An anti-vice vigilante group in Solo, Central Java has become the go-to source of recruits for one Indonesian ISIS leader in Syria. Its members are young, underemployed, poorly educated and impressionable. Their involvement suggests that at least in Solo, Indonesia might usefully draw on lessons learned about curbing gang violence to formulate a prevention strategy.

The Failed Solo Suicide Bombing and Bahrun Naim’s Network, the latest report from the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), looks at how the Hisbah Team (Tim Hisbah) moved from raids on bars and nightclubs to terrorism, and how one of its members, Nur Rohman, was himself radicalized until he rode his motorcycle into the Solo police station on 5 July 2016 and blew himself up. No one else was killed.

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Full Report PDF (hosted by IPAC)